Sea the Change is an innovative startup that aims at maximizing companies' sustainable strategies leading them towards carbon neutrality and making individuals protagonist in oceans protection



Create shared value protecting marine ecosystems



Healty Oceans in a conscious world




From online payments to the positive impact generated by our projects, everything is tracked and accessible to the user. The possibility of certifying the data declared and the actions carried out following clear standards validated by third-party bodies are two essential requirements that our partners must respect at all times. In this way, also thanks to periodic checks carried out by our staff, we are able to guarantee the correctness of the procedures at every step of the process.



The professionalism of the working methods we adopt, based on a scientific approach and data-driven logic, must not overshadow the importance of emotions. The desire to take care of marine ecosystems does not only pass from their role in the fight against climate change or in the protection of biodiversity, but also from the need to be able to continue to admire the beauty of our seas in the future, for us and the generations to come.



That word is now on everyone's lips but abused by many. We intend to enhance this concept by relating environmental, social and economic aspects to ensure the prosperity of local communities that live off the resources of the sea without compromising ecosystem balances, thus developing new ways of man-nature interactions capable of lasting over time.



Sea The Change was born to create bonds. The most important one is the relationship between tourists and the marine environment, in particular that one the tourist decide to visit. We give tourists the opportunity to enter into a close relationship with the place they are in, taking care of it and ensuring its protection over time.



The challenge of climate change can only be won if people have the necessary tools to understand its complexities. The seas and oceans also play a fundamental role in the fight against climate change: marine ecosystems are able to absorb approximately ⅓ of the CO2 emitted globally every year.