Barbarossa was one of the most famous Kings who dominated the Mediterranean sea for many decades. Today the role of queen of the Mediterranean sea is played by the Posidonia oceanica! Posidonia is an aquatic plant that plays a fundamental role in the protection of our seas. 1 m2 of Posidonia is able to absorb CO2 present in the atmosphere and release up to 20 liters of oxygen per day! Furthermore, Posidonia is essential for the protection of fauna and marine biodiversity. Unfortunately, like many marine ecosystems, Posidonia is also in serious danger due to human activities and water pollution. Help reduce the CO2 produced by your holiday and protect the seagrass! We finance "Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins'' which has been involved for years in studying and protecting the Posidonia in the sea of Barcelona. The association protects the seabed where Posidonia lives and takes care of a truly precious ecosystem!