Welcome #seachangers to the first Italian newsletter dedicated to sustainability for companies and the protection of the oceans!
Our objective is to offer a space for information and debate to understand the fundamental role that companies can play in protecting the oceans.
We are looking for virtuous companies that are interested in collaborating with us on the topic of corporate impacts on marine ecosystems.
If your organization is interested
CONTACT US AT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A new white substance was found on Canadian beaches: Link
Hidden phytoplankton was revealed thank to a robot fleet: Link
Abandoned shipwrecks are degrading faster because of climate change: Link
ESG & Conservation of the Oceans: a fundamental link for supporting the protection of the oceans and the competitiveness of companies.
If you need more clarification about the meaning of the term ESG, read our previous edition Link.
Today, we talk about environmental impact assessment, particularly KPIs and reporting.
In January 2023, the European Union published the Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD) which provides for the entry into force of the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS).
To read Part 1 click here.
ESRS E5, Resource Use and Circular Economy assesses the degree of circularity inherent in business activities. In particular, the materials and resources input and output to the work cycle are considered and any policies of reuse and reuse, the application of this standard is optional. According to a recent study by the World Economic Forum, between 75 and 199 million tonnes of plastic alone are estimated to be in the oceans. Acting to strengthen the circularity of your company means promoting the reduction of marine pollution and supporting the health of the seas.
The ESRS S1 is the first to deal with social aspects related to the company and, specifically, the management of the company’s workforce. Indicators are assessed to measure working conditions, including gender equality, secure work, wage gaps and training for employees. If a company works in the Blue Economy, it is crucial to train its employees on the challenges and opportunities presented by the sector. However, given the ecosystem interconnectedness, even for a company that does not work closely with the seas, it is recommended to train its employees on marine ecosystem issues to make them responsible and informed citizens.
The ESRS S2, dedicated to the value chain, assesses the interconnectedness of business activities and the involvement of employees in companies along the value chain.
ESRS S3, Communities Concerned, aims to standardize reporting to the communities affected by business activities. Acting with projects that promote the protection of marine ecosystems and employment in coastal areas, allows the company to strengthen these indicators and take care of the communities that support their existence.
The latest social impact reporting standard, ESRS S4, assesses business effects on end consumers. It measures consumer involvement policies, the safety of products placed on the market and how consumers' health is protected. Investing in a marine conservation project can be the appropriate activity to attract and engage end consumers, strengthening trust and the sense of belonging with the company.
The latest standard, ESRS G1, covers the conduct and reporting obligations inherent in the management of the company. This standard assesses the company’s ethics and culture, management of supplier relationships and political activities. Integrating the protection of the seas into the company’s mission can be a strategy to strengthen the credibility and vision of the company.
We are looking for virtuous companies that are interested in collaborating with us on the topic of corporate impacts on marine ecosystems. If your organization is interested
CONTACT US AT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You are part of a SME tourism company based in Greece, France, Italy, Spain or Cyprus and want to implement innovative and sustainable projects related to marine ecosystems?
We are looking for partners to participate in the fuTOURISME call.
Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up a video call and start working on it!
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