The projects
Sea the Change chooses its partners carefully. In the areas we operate in, our desire is to work with people who take care of the sea with passion and professional enrollment.
We carefully select our partners through a long evaluation process in order to create long and lasting relationships.
We strongly believe that Blue Economy can support the ecological transition in coastal areas.
Fishing for Litter consists of fishing activities and the collection of marine litter at sea. Thanks to the collaboration with Fondazione Cetacea, in Romagna, Sea the Change has an active fishing for litter project that directly involves local fishermen.
Posidonia Oceanica (commonly known as Mediterranean tapeweed) is an aquatic plant, native to the Mediterranean Sea.
It grows by forming underwater prairies that play a fundamental ecological role in marine and coastal ecosystems.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is the process through which great quantities of carbon are captured and stored. Among the various enabler for CO2 absorption, a special role is played by two types of algae present in large amounts in the Venetian lagoon: macroalgae, which are visible to the naked eye, and phytoplankton.